List of auditors Affiliated with Chiang Mai University External evaluator for requesting a product carbon footprint certification mark (CFP)


1.) Power Generation and Electric Power Transactions
2.) General Manufacturing Industries
3.) Oil and Gas Exploration, Extraction, Production and Refining, and pipeline distribution, including Petrochemicals
4.) Metals Production
5.) Aluminum Production
6.) Mining and Mineral Production
7.) Pulp, Paper and Print (Construction)
8.) Chemical Production
9.) Carbon Capture Storage
10.) Transport
11.) Waste handling and disposal
12.) Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use
13.) General service activities (General)"

ผศ.ดร. ณัฐนี วรยศ

Agency: Energy Research and Development Institute – Nakornping

รศ.ดร. เศรษฐ์ สัมภัตตะกุล

Agency: Research Unit for Energy and Economic Management

รศ.ดร. ณภัทร จักรวัฒนา

Agency: Department of Environmental Engineering

ดร. รัตชยุดา กองบุญ

Agency: Research Unit for Energy and Economic Management

นาย วรุณ รักสกุลกานต์

Agency: Environmental Energy Technology Research Center

นาย วีรวัฒน์ เทศเกตุ

Agency: Environmental Energy Technology Research Center